If you own a gaming PC, gaming laptop, or a console or two, a gaming chair might be the next logical addition to your setup. 

A gaming chair might provide the comfort and support to bring your gameplay to the next level, especially if you spend a lot of time behind the screen or do a lot of Twitch streaming. Besides, you would catch a lot of flak from your Twitch stream audience if you had a well-lit, high-end rig while sitting in grandma’s plush, baby-blue recliner. 

Unfortunately, gaming chairs are just like everything else—they often come with a few, slightly irritating features that are easily solvable but aggravating nonetheless.

Do All Gaming Chairs Squeak?

Gaming chairs don’t usually squeak when they are brand new. But after a few weeks or months, when parts begin to loosen or need lubrication, gaming chairs will inevitably begin to squeak.

The biggest determining factor in whether or not a gaming chair will squeak or how soon it will begin squeaking is its price point. Sub $200 gaming chairs will usually begin squeaking within six months of use while higher-end gaming chairs ($400 plus), due to their better build quality, can stay silent a lot longer.

It’s honestly hard for a gaming chair not to squeak and it’s something that most people – especially those who have gone through one or two gaming chairs – already expect. After all, there are moving parts beneath and sometimes around the chair that are going to rub together no matter how much you wish they didn’t. 

There are a few gaming chairs out there whose manufacturers proclaim to be completely squeak-free. 

Now, you’re free to take that with a grain of salt or without. The reason we say that is because yes, the manufacturers claim their chairs don’t squeak. However, there is such a thing as time and friction.

All of those chairs have moving parts and friction is just a part of nature. It’s going to happen.

Related Article: Are Gaming Chairs Good For Long Hours? (And Which One Is Best)

How to Deal with a Squeaky Gaming Chair

Fortunately, your gaming chair doesn’t have to be a squeaky nightmare for you whenever you sit in it. You can do something about it and to do that, you need to target the areas that rub together, especially metal on metal parts.

The best way to instantly deal with a squeaky gaming chair is to grease the heck out of all its parts. Take your chair apart and add a generous amount of grease to the screws, washers, and the shaft of the chair where your seat slides up and down. Then screw everything back together tightly and slide your seat up and down a few times to work the grease in. The squeaking will have stopped and will not come back for a very long time.

WD-40 is another good choice, though it does have its own, distinct aroma that you might not want in your living room, gaming room, or den. 

Check all of the moving parts over and make sure there are no loose screws, bolts, or anything of that nature. Tighten everything up and oil it down with WD-40.

You can also use a lubricating grease of your choice, especially if you don’t like the way WD-40 smells and you don’t want to drag your gaming chair outside so you can lube it up without making the whole house smell like an auto mechanic’s shop.

All Things Considered

While there are supposedly some gaming chairs on the market that don’t squeak, it’s hard to honestly say that they will last. Rocker gaming chairs are your best bet but that’s because they don’t really have any moving parts, other than the ability to rock back and forth. 

If you want a gaming chair that truly does not squeak or make any noise at all, invest in a bean bag or take a gamble on a good rocker gaming chair.