There’s an interesting debate that has stirred up both gaming forums and barber shops alike: “Can a Gaming Headset Make You Bald?” The notion might seem far-fetched at first glance, but there are more than a few who think there is something to it.

Can a Gaming Headset Make You Bald?

No definitive scientific evidence proves or even suggests that wearing a gaming headset leads to baldness. Hair loss is primarily influenced by factors like genetics, hormones, and lifestyle choices. While frequent use of a tightly clamping headset might cause temporary indentes in your hair and skin, it’s highly unlikely to result in permanent hair loss.

The only real way a headset could cause hair loss is through a condition called traction alopecia, a type of hair loss caused by constant pulling on the hair.

Traction alopecia is a genuine concern when it comes to hair loss, but its typical demographic and causes are quite different from the average gaming headset user. 

This form of alopecia most commonly occurs in women of African descent who have tightly braided hairstyles. The condition arises from continuous pulling force applied to the hair roots, usually caused by hairstyles like tight braids, cornrows, or the use of hair extensions. 

Over time, the tension weakens the hair follicles, leading to hair loss. The condition can be painful and disfiguring, and it’s often irreversible if the pulling persists for an extended period.

Now, let’s put this in the context of gaming headsets. Unlike the constant, severe pulling associated with certain hairstyles, a gaming headset exerts minimal, evenly distributed pressure on the scalp.

Even during long gaming sessions, the tension is nowhere near the magnitude that could lead to traction alopecia. Most gaming headsets are designed for comfort during extended use, with padded ear cups and adjustable bands to minimize pressure. 

So, while traction alopecia is a real issue in specific contexts, it’s exceedingly unlikely that your gaming headset would have the mechanical capability to induce this type of hair loss.

Anyway, if the use of gaming headsets were to cause baldness by “traction alopecia”, wouldn’t your head being pressed against your pillow all night cause your hair to fall out while you sleep?

And if you spend any time looking through gaming or audiophile forums you’ll find countless comments from people who have used gaming headsets or headphones for several hours each day over 10 or 15 years plus with no hair loss to report.

Why Gaming Headsets Don’t Make You Go Bald

As it turns out, the real villains in the story of baldness are quite different from the innocent gaming headset sitting on your desk. Let’s look beyond the gaming headsets for a moment and talk about the most common reasons for hair loss: genetics, hormones, and lifestyle.

The Genetics and Hormones Behind Hair Loss

The most prevalent form of hair loss in men and women is androgenetic alopecia, more commonly known as male or female pattern baldness. This is primarily governed by your genes and hormones—particularly an androgen called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT shortens the lifespan of hair follicles, causing them to shrink and produce thinner, shorter hairs over time.

Good news, your gaming headset has absolutely no sway over your genetic makeup or hormone levels; it’s not whispering sweet nothings to your follicles to make them disappear.

Lifestyle Factors

Smoking, poor diet, and high levels of stress can also contribute to hair loss. Funny enough, these are factors you might find in a dedicated, basement-dwelling gamer’s life—but they’re not caused by the headset. If you’re worried about hair loss, you might want to put down that energy drink and opt for something a bit more nutritious, but there’s no need to toss your headset out of the window.

The Mechanics of Headsets

Let’s talk about pressure and friction. A poorly designed headset could, theoretically, create pressure points on your scalp. But here’s the thing: these pressure points would at most cause temporary indentations on your skin and maybe a bad hair day—not irreversible hair loss.

Even if your headset traps heat and sweat against your scalp, that’s more likely to give you a minor skin irritation than a receding hairline.

What the Science Says

While no studies specifically focus on the impact of wearing gaming headsets on hair loss, some research carried out on hat-wearing may offer some valuable insights.

One notable study from 2013 looked at 92 sets of identical twins to identify factors contributing to hair loss. The findings pointed to elements like smoking and dandruff as culprits, but showed no correlation with wearing hats and losing hair.

Even though headphones weren’t a part of this study, the results suggest that simply putting a little pressure on your hair doesn’t directly cause hair loss.

As mentioned, wouldn’t you pillow then do the same at night.

Related Article: Are Gaming PCs Expensive To Run? (And How To Cut Costs)

Smoking and Dandruff

The results of the study linked smoking duration and the presence of dandruff to frontal hair loss. If you’re a gamer with a smoking habit and dandruff, perhaps it’s not your headphones or headset you should be worried about; these factors might be the real culprits.

Exercise, Alcohol, and Spending on Hair Loss Products

Temporal hair loss—another area covered by headphones—was associated with exercise duration, alcohol consumption, and money spent on hair loss products. This suggests lifestyle choices may contribute more to hair loss than wearing a headset.

Daily Hat Use

Daily hat use showed no significant association with increased hair loss; in fact, it was associated with decreased temporal hair loss. This is particularly relevant for headphone users: if wearing a hat daily doesn’t exacerbate hair loss, it’s unlikely that headphones, which exert similar pressure on the scalp, would do so.

Testosterone Levels

Higher testosterone levels were linked to decreased temporal hair loss, shedding light on the hormonal aspect. Again, headphones don’t influence your hormones, so they’re not to blame here.

Stress and Alcohol

Increased stress and certain patterns of alcohol consumption were associated with vertex hair loss, suggesting that stress management and moderation in drinking may be more effective ways to combat hair loss.


The study emphasizes that external factors like smoking, alcohol, and stress have a clinically significant impact on hair loss, shifting the spotlight away from benign objects like hats and gaming headsets as potential culprits.

Experienced gamers tend to agree: there is no substantial evidence to support the idea that wearing a gaming headset causes baldness. They simply don’t exert the kind of influence needed to alter the biological factors responsible for hair growth or loss.

So, the next time you don your gaming headset for a weekend marathon of your favorite game, know that the only thing you’re risking is perhaps a temporary headphone-hair look. Your luscious locks, in all likelihood, will remain just that—luscious.

Why You Might Think Your Gaming Headset is Causing You to Go Bald

In a classic case of correlation not equaling causation, some people are quick to point fingers at their trusty gaming headsets when they notice their hair thinning. If you’re one of them, the puzzle pieces may seem to fit together a bit too neatly. Let’s dissect why that is.

The Topography of Male Pattern Baldness

For starters, male pattern baldness—or its scientific name, androgenetic alopecia—usually manifests as a receding hairline and thinning on the crown.

It’s a form of hair loss that attacks precisely where your gaming headset sits—right on top of your scalp. The sides of your head, which are generally free from the headset’s clasp, often remain lush and full. Considering this, it’s tempting to see your headset as the culprit. But remember, correlation is not causation.

Confirmation Bias

When you’ve got an idea in your head, you’re more likely to notice information that confirms your belief while disregarding contradictory evidence. If you suspect your headset is causing hair loss, every glance in the mirror becomes evidence in your mind.

The fact that the areas of thinning coincide with where your headset sits doesn’t help quash this notion. However, this is confirmation bias at play, not scientific proof.

The Emotional Factor

Let’s be real: noticing a change in your appearance, like hair loss, can hit hard mentally. When humans are distressed, we seek explanations, and sometimes we latch onto the most visible and immediate one—even if it’s incorrect. Your headset, being a consistent presence in your daily life, could become an easy scapegoat for these emotional reasonings.

The Timing

Often, male pattern baldness starts to make its unsolicited appearance in men’s late 20s to early 40s—a time when many are deeply engaged in careers, hobbies, or esports that involve prolonged headset use.

Again, the timing can seem suspiciously coincidental, reinforcing the unfounded belief that your headset is to blame.

So yes, at first glance, blaming your gaming headset for your hair loss might seem like a reasonable hypothesis. But when you delve into the science and psychology of it, this theory unravels faster than cheap headphone wiring.

Remember, if you’re noticing hair loss, it’s more likely tied to genetics, hormones, or lifestyle factors than to your audio gear.